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Fiona Kwan.
7 june 1991
Ngee Ann Poly.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Hit counter code here

Saturday, September 05, 2009

I found something new.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I think I need to swim and jog during holidays.Yes I need to exercise seriously.I've been panting like hell when I walked up to the library and my breathing get louder and louder. goodness. never ever pass my nap fa before. I think I almost faint after a run with zhuang ying at school during Saturday. (that was long long time ago, and that's the last run till now)

Yea I kinda miss the people around me. I feel like im so so drifted from my friends. What really happened? I dont know either. Probably Im just too busy with my own personal stuffs. I realized Im not as happy as I used to be.

Exams are like 2 days later.Wish me Luck.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This round my theme will be on Cultural Anthropology!!!!

Exams Exams Exams!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

somehow I just refuses to sleep early. Sometimes I just don't know why. Maybe I'm afraid to close my eyes because bad dreams just kept on flashing that made my emotions swirled. People normally say that dreams are opposite but it seems so realistic to me. Which Im scared that is totally going to be true.

School is really $%^@$$@&*$@. I feel like quitting school seriously, but is impossible. I KNOW. Escaped from NDP but i've missed out the fireworks which I really really wanna take it. Although I went to the preview a week ago before the NDP, but was disappointed.

Went to Malaysia. Not to relax/play but is to visit my grandma and at the same time doing for project (Photography). you know how sad it is. Nvm. Malaysia's jam is utterly terrible. I've wasted 2hr plus to go in, 2 hr plus to get out. The haze is really much much worse, weather is really terrible. To me is like 39 degree that makes me melt under the sun. Horrible (due to lack of a better word). But still manage to take some pictures. :D kind of satisfied. I suppose.

BUT! Im still struggling choosing my theme/pictures/edit/name it/describe it. ya dateline is tmr 11.59pm. congra me pls :D

P/S: Im really trying very hard to be the girl you need/want.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

I've been very very busy and I realised I've not been blogging for weeks. So now i decided to sacrifice a bit of my sleep to blog.

Firstly, I passed my BTT. I really cant wait to drive. So Erza, we can book our FTT and PDL asap? HAHAH! im still waiting.

This week I've been rather tired. or maybe very very tired/mood swing. Temper has been from bad to worse. Kept on winding and winding. Yea, I admit Im such a Complain Queen.( a lot of my friends told me that. I know alright -_-") So can pls people, tolerate it. HAHAH!

Well, I've to say this. MY DAD IS REALLY A 200% GOOD DAD. Best dad ever. He never reject when I asked him to fetch me home. He never reject when I asked him to fetch my friends. He never reject when I told him that I need uncle's camera, immediately he borrowed it the next day. In fact, he never reject any request I asked for. I really appreciate for what he has done for me. Yes I DO LOVE HIM A LOT TOO! but I dont tend to express it out to him. ( well I love him more than my mom. oopps! equally love.) HAHAH! I will be a filial daughter. I PROMISE!

Monday, July 13, 2009


"Parliament Pl"
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM

“Reflection of soul "
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM
"Path meanders and crosses"
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM
“The Solitude”
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM
"Shed light on"
From DPG proj 1 7/13/09 12:50 PM

STILL LIFE - project for photography. I think there's a problem with the color.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/voguebrooch/ visit this!

'take','shoot','shot','snap','grab','capture' - All these words kept on flashing in my mind. Have been rather busy taking pictures/choosing pictures/editing it/writing introduction/description.and finally,presentation is over on Friday 10/7/09. That Lau gave us another project again. -_-"

My life for the past few months have been a massive whirlwind of projects and some stuffs, lacking of sufficient sleep.uncontrollably yawning throughout. I really have to put the stuffs aside and get back to study. I feel quite worried that I am seriously lagging in my studies. Sigh my gpa might just slip a little lower this sem. Something which i really cant afford it.

and yup! i passed my evaluation. haha. :) something that made my day better.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I'm really really tired. school re-open is really hectic for me. Many assignments due this week and i'm really rushing for it.

STM cueing was really screwed. Seriously, she's such a bitch. Totally agree with Peilin's post. go see her blog! highly recommend.

Common test results - not that fantastic either. i don't even know where is the drive to do well anymore. I feel like throwing the towel and give up. time to wake up and pay attention during lectures.

Many project not yet hand up. I'm doomed seriously!

ps: Don't mess up with me this week.